250116 "Try Slow.. And Roll"

Picture your body system as a business. There is a CEO, COO, and Managers, and Workers. Well your  body works in a very similar way. At the very top is your CNS (Central Nervous System) and Neurons, next is your joints or skeletal system (articulators), and then your soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia). To keep the big guys up stairs happy, and working well; you must keep the workers at the bottom of the chain healthy and doing their jobs. ROLLING OUT and other forms of Myofascial Release are vital for keeping the machine (or the business) on track for success .

It is no surprise that we as humans and as athletes are hard on our bodies. We push hard in our lives creating stress on the muscles, improper movement patterns due to working conditions, fatigue and muscular overload without proper preparation. This is life. This is also a very important factor in prioritizing some time for rolling before and after the workouts.

As you know I like to begin at least 2 sessions per week with some time on the ground with the roller. Not only does this help in opening the joints that we will use for the day but it gives you some ideas for self-release. The process restores joint mobility, improves the muscle length and decreases stress on the muscle but additionally this sends messages to your brain along the CNS which can improve performance!

Golgi Tendo Organs of GTO's are fibers which send very fine messages to the brain about specific muscle tension and length. By rolling out and increasing muscle length and decreasing tension, the GTO's let the brain know that the muscle is ready to go!

You may have heard me talk about muscles turning "on" and "off"... This is exactly what I am talking about. Overworking the muscle and not spending the time to release it can inhibit the firing of the muscle and on the other side o things, If you begin a mobility program you can actually 'turn on' muscles that may not be developed yet! Win..Win.

Some guidelines that you may not be aware of are:
1) Do not spend more than 2 minutes on a certain area. This ensures that muscles don't get overworked or beaten up by the roller.

2) Control the pain train. Manipulating the body to distribute weight on the muscle is key. You don't want to be too easy on it but you also don't want to smash the muscle to bad that it doesn't want to work.

3) If you are injured, don't beat the muscle up too bad. Injury and inflammation is why we roll but sometimes it is good to just let a muscle or joint rest. Find me if this is the case and we can discuss the appropriate actions.

4) Rest...Repeat. A couple cycles on your muscles is perfect for pre and post workout. Staying with it instead of just 1 time per week is going to be the ticket for success.

Keep healthy in and out of the Gym. Live your fitness, treat your body like a high performance machine!!


Spend 5 Minutes Rolling out the Lats and Hamstrings. Open the chest with lacrosse ball for overhead mobility.

:45 Jump Rope
1:00 Lunge Flow L
:45 Jump Rope
1:00 Lunge Flow R

Snatch Warm Up;

Romanian Deadlift
Elbow Pull
Muscle Snatch
Snatch Drops
Snatch Pull Unders
Hang Snatch Positions

Skill Development:

'Snatch Complex'
Build to Heaviest in 18 mins

-3 Snatch Deadlifts
-1 Hight Hang Snatch
-1 Hang Snatch Below Knee
-1 Overhead Squat

"Da Kine Monthly"

Row 2 mins For Max Cals .
