070915 Your Story..

Everyone has a story. An individual pathway; dialogued, recounted, to illustrate the Point A to Point B transition. These stories are beautiful,elegant, and tragic sometimes. But stories nonetheless and uniquely yours.

CrossFit and the pathway to it, is as defining as any other road to faith or monumental life changing event. So I challenge you tonight. What is your story? And not just how you came to open your eyes to the beauty of the method, but where has it taken you? Have you been able to change lives? Have you made lasting friendships? Are you stronger and more defined in character? 

I will leave you with this dynamic task without much of my own diatribe. I want you to find a place to think and write this story down or feel free to post your story to the blog or Facebook. I want to read them, I am always interested. Your stories fuel me ( and many others) to push harder, be better and never stop progressing. 

Once you have recounted the story, I want you to share it with someone tomorrow. Who knows, you may just change a life. Be the change you want to see in this world. Chances are someone did that and that is why you are here right now. 

Many Blessings my friends.


Hip Mobility Drill X2

Running Warm Up:
Ply Steps/High Knees/Buttkickers/High Skip/Fig 4 drills/Carioca/broadjumps

Snatch Progression W/ Bar:
Shrug/Elbows/muscle snatch/snatch drops/OHS/Hip Snatch/Hang snatch/Squat Snatch

Skill Development:


16 Renegade Row W/ DB
16 DB Strict Press
8 Hip Extention


Teams of 2, 30 min AMRAP

P1- Run 400m W/ Sandbag
P2- Complete,
50 Wall Ball
40 Box Jump 24/20
30 Burpees
20 Power Snatch 95/65

*Partners will switch once the runner comes back. No work can be counted if sandbag is on the ground. Teams with the most rounds and reps wins. 

*How Much are you willing to suffer for your Partner?