250915 "Fletch"

The NSCA has been making false claims about CrossFit for many years. Due the the new revelations and pressure from the Coca-Cola transparency issues, the NSCA has been forced to come clean about their finger pointing. CrossFit has taken the high ground for many years and Greg Glassman has stood his ground (to much chagrin of outsiders) on the foundational truths in health and fitness training. The link below gives you a glimpse into the current redaction of the NSCA and its comments about CrossFit. This is on the heels of the NSCA being outed as a prime recipient of big sugar dollars and its funding of skewed science! Read and educate yourself. 



10 Minute Quality AMRAP

1 Legless rope climb
10m Handstand Walk
10 Alternating Pistols
:20 Chin Over bar Hold


25 Kettlebell swing 53/35#
25 Ab Mat Sit Up
25 Box Jump 24/20"
400m Run
20 Kettlebell Swing
20 Ab Mat sit up
20 Box Jump
400m Run
15 Kettlebell Swing
15 Ab Mat Sit Up
15 Box Jump
400m Run
10 Kettlebell Swing
10 Ab Mat Sit Up
10 Box Jump
400m Run

Midline Development:

2X :20
Side Plank Complex
Hollow Hold
Side Plank Complex
Superman Hold