The true test for in an athlete is how well and how fast one Recovers! It may be contrary to what you may think about performance, but I beg you to look at the data and make you decision.
Going HAM is great when you are testing maximum power output, but when I look at overall athleticism... It is recovery that matters more. Your bodies ability to refresh the energy stores or gather more energy in a determined amount of time is truly a more objective way to see how the body precesses are functioning.
Going hard is generally relative when you factor in skill level and time domain. Even the craziest person can give you one hellova show but will be useless if more work is needed after the exercise has been performed. Look at Rich Froning, the guy is obviously superior to everyone but his performance is usually relative to his ability to recover. He wins over the duration of a comp, not usually by crushing workout after workout (although is happens often) but remaining consistent and under control.
Recovery on a cellular level takes tweeking and practice just as your other physical skills are. When you find the right supplements, train the body through repetition, and develop a strong mind; then the recovery time decreases and you are able to get back to kicking ass faster.
Keep this in mind when you are wanting to lie down after a WOD. Keep standing, and walk it off. You are sending signals to the brain and body to let it know that you are not wanting to give up and the mental toughness will prevail. So keep it moving and recover like you life depends on it!
Running Drills/ Agility Foot work:
-High knees/Butt Kickers/ High Skip/ Fig 4 Drill/ Carioca
Plank Complex:
-Hold for :20 @ each pose
-Plank/ Side Plank Leg Raised/ Side Plank Knee Pulled forward/ Side plank Bottom knee Pulled Up X2
Arm Swings
Press FLing
Bully Stretch
Iron Cross
Push Up
Mtn Climber
Elbow To instep
Side Lunge
Down Dog to Divebomber
4Ct. Flutter Kicks
V Ups
Skill Development:
Gymnasty :
Practice for 10 Minutes
5 Ring Dips
8 Muscle Up Pull Throughs ( seated in the band)
5 False Grip Ring Pull Ups or F.G. Ring Rows
6 Rounds, Go Every 3:00.
400M Run
15 Toes To bar
*rest remaining TIme, Looking For Consistency in timing.