270715 "Marco"

What an exciting end to the Reebok CrossFit Games! The talk is all about Ben Smith and Matt Fraser and I like it. These two fellas are 1. Friggin Young! 2. Proven Professional Athletes 3. Not the biggest or the buffet athletes out there. They are skillful athletes who have put the work in, strive to be the best at all times, and (as far as I can tell) beyond all the hype that has come in the past couple years with CrossFit.

And How about the Girls. Annie and Camille not even in the Top 10! What! Yes, this year has truly shown that the worldwide community is throwing down in their gyms and the cream of their crop are finally top level Crossfitters. Once again the girls show was all about every rep counting and it says a lot about California that Brooke, Chyna, and Margaux were all amongst the top women in the end!

Today we honor "Marco". 

U.S. Marine Cpl. Marc T. Ryan, of Gloucester City, New Jersey, died Nov. 15, 2004, from a roadside bomb in Ramadi, Iraq. The 25-year-old was a weapons specialist assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force at the Marine Corps Base Camp in Pendleton, California. Ryan is survived by his parents, Thomas and Linda; brother, Chris; and sister, Lauren.

So you watched the CrossFit Games this weekend and now you are ready to charge, ready to prep for 2016? Yes me too. Well here is a skillful and sucky WOD that (when Rx'd) is a super high quality Regional Workout. I love it, prep the shoulders and enjoy.


6-8 Minutes.. Hot and sweaty.

10 Pulls on the Rower as hard as possible

2 Wall Climbs

1 Bridge Up

8 Ring Rows

Movement Prep:

Kipping Progression: 

5X 1 Strict Pull Up;3 Push Pull

5X 1 Strict Pull Up; 3 Skip to bridge on bar

5X 1 Strict Pull Up; 3 Butterfly rotations ( don't worry about chin height, I just want to work shoulder rotation)

Handstand Push Up Prep:

10X Negatives W/ explosive extension (preferable Strict) dont rush

10X Kip with knees touching elbows. Butt on wall at bottom

- Make sure your keeping the ROM intact, head in front of fingers, head through shoulder.

Thruster Prep:

-Strive to do this RX if you can!

- Sit in front rack and pump out a few reps, building, <25.

-foot position is huge, make sure hammys are activated.




21 Pull Up

15 Handstand Push Up

9 Thruster 135/95