220715 Gymnasts do it better

A base level of fitness must include gymnastic training. If you are missing gymnastics in your programming, you are missing a vital component. Barbells are rad, but being able to move your body over, around and through objects is a sure fire way of really seeing how fit you are for life!

Today You will become fatigued in the EMOM's but do not scale the time duration, only scale the reps if necessary.


3 mins singles/:30 Burpees 

1 minute Double Unders/ :60 Burpees

Shoulder Mobility/ Hip Complex

Skill Development:

EMOM 10 

1 Legless/ 12 Box Jumps 24/20"

Rest 10 Mins

8 Rounds of :90 work/ :90 Rest

3-5 Strict Muscle Ups/ Max Rep KB Swing 70/53

Rest 10 Mins

Complete As fast as Possible


8 Chest To bar

10 Wall Ball

Rest As Needed....


300 Double Unders For Time

*Every Time you break, do 6 Pull Ups/ 6 Push Ups