If you are looking to get outside and do something you may never have done before, there is a Tough Mudder in Tahoe this weekend. At each event I speak to folks about challenging themselves to LIVE their lives and do something for the First time. This is your opportunity to not only use your fitness but also to use your teamwork skills as well.
I hope that over the years I have prepared you to accomplish the mission, whatever it may be, and to do so with your teammates in mind. CrossFit training is practically made for Tough Mudder. You will be able to do everything and lead the way for the folks who are either not as confident or may lack the mental strength to carry on.
Plus there is beer. I know you suckas love that. The venue is one of the most sought after in the US, with faithful mudders flocking from all over the world to run this course. And its in your own backyard.
Got the kids? No problem. One of the coolest things is the Mini-mudder course for the little ones. It is worth checking out. The course is badass.
I hope you all sign up and get out there this weekend. You will be able to see exactly why I come home so friggin stoked after each event. The stories, the people, the camraderie. DO IT!
3 Rounds for Quality,
:30 Ring Support Top Hold
:30 Ring Row Hold
:30 Superman Hold
:15 Rest between each element.
Tough mudder Prep wod,
25 Min AMRAP
800m Run
25 See the Lights 25/15
10 Chest To bar pull Ups