101215 SacTown Throwdown

I am excited to host the SacTown Throwdown this year. I want this to be a true reflection of a Good Times Event so the programming is going to be fun and challenging, the competition is going to be competitive and supportive, and the dance party is going to be epic!!

If you are interested in volunteering (please please I love you) please contact me directly at ericbotsford@hotmail.com and if you want to register your kick ass team, go to sactownthrowdown.com  and get your team signed up. I want this to be epic but I need you all there to make it magical!!


8 Min Quality AMRAP

5 Strict Toes To Bar
20M Bear Crawl

Dynamic Stretching Top TO Bottom


KB Snatch 53/35
One Legged Burpee

Rest 5 Minutes

500m Row
12 Deficit HSPU 4/2"

Rest 5 Mins

50 Squats
40 Sit Ups
30 Lunges
20 Pull Ups
10 Clapping Push Ups