081215 "Percent Daily Values"

Chances are that if you are reading this post there is a food product in a package at least a body length away from you. Is that an accurate statement??

Well.. Pick it up and turn it around. You see the very familiar but commonly mis understood %Daily Value Nutrition chart. This chart has a purpose. The purpose is to give you, the consumer, an idea of what you are stuffing into your mouth and what (if any) nutritional value it may have.

The Nutrition facts table came out approximately 20 years ago to inform consumers. At the time the enemy was fat and sodium. As you can plainly see that under the calorie information and description of the table, the first %'s are of Fat and Sodium. Still With me? Keep scrolling and you will continue to see the breakdown of nutrients including, vitamins, minerals and the oh so important Protein... (do you even lift bro??)

As Nutition Science has gotten slightly better at the top levels of the FDA, there has been a push to change the chart to reflect serving sizes, be more concise (dumbing down) about the nutrition information on the label, and begin to show the % DV of all the sugar that the product contains. This last one my friends, is the important one.

If you are at all familiar with my posts you know that I absolutely think that sugar is poison and toxic. I have written numerous blog posts about how food companies keep stuffing more and more sugar into products to keep the hooks hooking and keep the people buying. The %DV of sugar on the new Nutrition Label will use the 10% rule for sugar consumption. That rule is that of your Total Daily Caloric Intake, your sugars should not exceed 10% of them.

I like that this is going to go on the label along with a host of design changes and perhaps easier to read information but I am concerned about the labeling that is still allowed on packaging by the food companies. I have written before about the lax rules about the terms, "all Natural" ,"Wholesome", "Whole Grain", and "Heart Healthy". These terms which are primarily designed not in the food lab but at a computer design screen do not accurately represent a lot of what is in products; and yet, it is the driving force behind a consumers purchasing habits.

The FDA controls this piece of the product, the nutrition labeling. What is interesting and shocking is that when put in perspective, if the FDA takes years to develop the plan to change an outdated labeling system and even longer to implement it through the appropriate legal channels, it shows what pull the food companies have on determining how the whole consumer process works when it comes to food!! Think about that a second. You are eating a product and though it has passed the safety tests, there is little regulation about how it is processed, packaged and sold to you! Scary, HUH!

I would just be a concerned zealot if I did not offer a solution, so here it is. DO your best to not buy processed food! A sweet potato does not have a nutrition label. A steak does not either, nor does a banana. The closer you can get to a diet of whole foods, the better you will be at staying away from sugar and harmful processed ingredients that food products are made of. This is especially important for you vegans... Have you ever read what you are eating on your soy Hot dogs!!!!

Good Luck and eat safe!!


Banded Hip Distraction/ Lat Band Stretch

400m run
10 KB Turkish Get Up
400m Run


Tempo Back Squat
3,2,1 down, pause, up

3@ 50%
2@ 60%


5 Rounds For Time

7 Power Snatch 135/95
7 Overhead Squat
Rest :45